Pictured is my favorite way to eat them too...straight up. See that weight? Seventeen ounces yet its one of the smallest boxes in the cabinet. This stuff is FORTIFYING. If I am really hungry but want cereal, I go for these.
Earlier today I blended them into a blueberry smoothie. They hold up to milk and retain crunch really well, so it was like a crunchy smoothie. Most of the bits settled to the bottom, making it like a bowl of cereal. And they got stuck in the straw. In lieu of an actual photo, here is a photo-realistic representation:To sum up:
Go get Cracklin' Oat Bran. You'll thank me later.
Cereal ROCKS.
I've never had a Cracklin' Oat Bran! Or maybe I have when I was younger. It sounds so good.
Is it high in fiber?
I'm currently enjoying frosted shredded wheat and Special K with chocolate pieces. I don't like the Special K.
Em- Yeah I think it's prolly high in fiber. Those "special" special K's aren't always good..I have the berry one so we'll see how that is.
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