Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Things

Though it's really cute, it's not the outside...

But the inside that counts!

I cannot stop smiling.


Maria said...

Awww it's beautiful! I'm so happy for you. And I can imagine that your face hurts from the constant smiling ;)

Bri said...

What a beautiful ring. I am so happy for you guys!

Cindy said...

Lovely... much happiness always!! Please extend congrats to Max too!

Karen said...

It is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!

The Spiteful Chef said...

OMG. That's GORGEOUS.'re engaged? Is that it? I'm so easy to confuse these days...

ardie said...

LOL yup! And I didnt think I'd be all girly and get so excited to do wedding stuff but I am!