This is my 100th post! But I have a lot to say about this simple little recipe so I will jump right in.
First off, this is applesauce the way I like it, but it's so versatile you can change it however you want. Reduce the spices, or leave them out all together. Or use white sugar instead of brown. The brown gives it almost a maple flavor (but not really maple. In fact, forget I said that.), and made it really dark. I like it chunky, but if you want a smoother sauce, run it through a food processor. Add dried fruit to liven it up. Mix apples and pears. The possibilities are endless. Just remember, this recipe is for a crockpot.
It's a good thing I like it chunky, because I was completely sick of mashing this with a fork by the end (on my wishlist: potato masher). Here's the recipe based on what I made but with changes to make it even better.
6-7 apples, chopped (enough to fill the crockpot about 3/4)
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
Chop apples and place in crockpot with sugar and lemon. Halfway through cooking add the spices. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or until apples are soft. Let cool slightly, mash or blend to desired consistency.
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