Friday, April 09, 2010

Yet Another

With my own birthday coming up, here is a birthday cake: Happy Birthday Jenn! I am really enjoying making cakes for's my little contribution to their birthday, and hey, who doesn't love cake? Plus it's a great way to experiment with techniques. Here I used melted orange chocolate wafers to pipe the words onto wax paper, and transferred it to the cake. It's good to do that in case of mistakes (we don't want any wrecks, do we?).

This particular one is a chocolate chip cake, and sooo delicious. It uses sour cream in the batter, and is very moist. And the hint of cinnamon adds a nice touch. You can grab the recipe here:

The only difference of course being that I coated the whole thing in a layer of chocolate instead of frosting. See how it gets all nice and smooth? It's firm but you can still cut through it with a fork. Also I mixed the chips into the batter, not layered like the original recipe.

This picture makes me happy:

Then I took a couple of the sugar on top to see how close I could get:

Answer: very very close.


Bri said...

mmmm choc-chip sourcream cake sounds yummy! Looks pretty too

Emily said...

Haha - yes! Very close! I really would like a bite of this cake right now. Chocolate cake is my favorite.

Karen M. said...

That looks amazing! Great job! YUM :)